The Public Consultations on the “2nd Revision of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) of the 14 Water Divisions (WD) of the Country” project of the Directorate General of Water of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy were successfully completed. Sympraxis, in collaboration with the Consortiums – Contractors of the studies, organised 11 hybrid consultations in the field, in central cities of Greece, for the water divisions of Eastern, Northern & Western Peloponnese, Eastern & Western Central Greece, Attica, Thessaly, Epirus & Ionian Islands, and Western & Central Macedonia. The consultations were broadcast live on the Facebook and YouTube channels of Sympraxis, where relevant videos remain available for stakeholders to access the submissions and presentations of the studies. The dissemination of the project’s results was remarkable, as 758 live participants and 7,090 views on Facebook & YouTube of online users were recorded. 144 stakeholder representatives expressed their opinions on the issues, both live and remotely (via a special platform), formulating questions and concerns. More than 8,500 electronic invitations were sent to stakeholders and over 2,500 personal phone calls were made, while press releases were distributed to local and national media to inform the public.

You can watch the consultations on the following videos:

  • ENVECO SA, KARAVOKYRIS & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, EMVIS WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Consortium. Water Divisions of Western Central Greece (EL04) and Thessaly (EL08) in  Messolonghi (22.11.2023) amd Larissa (24.11.2023). Water Division of Epirus (EL05) in Ioannina (03.11.2023).
  • Z-A & ASSOCIATES AE, HYDROEXYGIANTIKI SA, NERCO – N. CHLYKAS & ASSOCIATES AE, MICHAEL LIONIS Consortium. Water Divisions of Peloponnese, Patras (20.10.2023), for the Northern Water Divisions (EL02), Kalamata (26.10.2023), for the Western Water Division (EL01), and Nafplion (10.11.2023), for the Eastern Water Division (EL01).
  • For the Ionian Islands River Basin, in collaboration with the two aforementioned Consortiums and the Peloponnese Water Division, in Corfu (02.11.2023).
  • NAMA Consultants Engineers & Researchers SA, ETME PEPPAS & ASSOCIATES SA, GAMMA – 4 LTD CONSULTANTS GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERS, GEORGIOS PAPANIKOLAOU and ALIKI TSAROUCHI Consortium, Water Divisions of Attica (EL06) & Eastern Central Greece (EL07), in Athens (24.10.2023) and Lamia (23.10.2023).
  • NAMA Consulting Engineers & Researchers SA, ETME PEPPAS & ASSOCIATES SA, CONSORTIS, SAMARAS & ASSOCIATES SA. – Consulting Engineers, GEORGIOS PAPANIKOLAOU and ALIKI TSAROUCHI Consortium, Water Division of Central Macedonia (EL10) in Thessaloniki (10.30.2023).
  • KOUGIANOS & ASSOCIATES LLP., LDKCONSULTANTS, GEOSYNOLO PCC, I. AFRATAIOS Consortium, Water Division of Western Macedonia in Kozani (09.11.2023).

Technical support of the HELLAS GOLD’s dialogue with stakeholders at local and national level. According to the available data, this program is the largest stakeholder engagement project currently underway in the country. Support to the company’s CSR department on Stakeholder Engagement and CSR strategy and planning. Design, planning, implementation, and facilitation of consultations, including twenty-eight structured open stakeholder events, local surveys, and many focus group meetings, interviews and special workshops with local communities. Implementation of twenty-eight structured stakeholder events with interested parties, with the participation of 300 people from the broader Chalkidiki. Structure of the stakeholder engagement dialogue, event management, event coordinator


A sincere word of recognition to the dedication and effort of M. Papaglastra and A. Deliyannis  at Sympraxis Team, who put this book together in record time while providing  a very appealing graphic quality that makes the book easy to read.   Eduardo Maldonado, Concerted Action EPBD Coordinator
A sincere word of recognition to the dedication and effort of M. Papaglastra and A. Deliyannis  at Sympraxis Team, who put this book together in record time while providing  a very appealing graphic quality that makes the book easy to read.   Eduardo Maldonado, Concerted Action EPBD Coordinator

Sympraxis Team coordinated with great success the 26th International Symposium for the Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles, hosting 700 scientists from 78 countries.   Dimitris Margaritoulis, Former President, International Sea Turtle Society  
Sympraxis Team coordinated with great success the 26th International Symposium for the Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles, hosting 700 scientists from 78 countries.   Dimitris Margaritoulis, Former President, International Sea Turtle Society  

Original thinking, innovative and alternative proposals, excellent collaboration, really high quality services, all members of the Team close by to meet all requirements:  our experience from the Sympraxis Team.   Katerina Perissi, Environmental manager OTE/COSMOTE, Deutshe Telekom Group    
Original thinking, innovative and alternative proposals, excellent collaboration, really high quality services, all members of the Team close by to meet all requirements:  our experience from the Sympraxis Team.   Katerina Perissi, Environmental manager OTE/COSMOTE, Deutshe Telekom Group    

The guys are not only great negotiators, they also make everything possible with a smile. They handled perfectly all the logistics and allowed us to concentrate on our work. They are very dedicated professional and I highly recommend their work.   Nathalie Cliquot, European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs  
The guys are not only great negotiators, they also make everything possible with a smile. They handled perfectly all the logistics and allowed us to concentrate on our work. They are very dedicated professional and I highly recommend their work.   Nathalie Cliquot, European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs