Horizon 2020 oPEN Lab. Open innovation living labs for Positive Energy Neighborhoods. The oPEN Lab project counts significant achievements, among which the set up and management of three Positive Energy Neighbourhood (PEN) Living Labs, extensive citizen engagement and co-creation activities, development of digital energy twins, an overview of >50 innovations, set up of energy communities, policy analysis for PEN roll-out, and renovation works, both off-site and on-site, kick-started in Pamplona and Genk!

Horizon 2020 ePANACEA project partners tested Assessment Methods 1, 2 and 3 of the SEPAP (Smart Energy Performance Assessment Platform) prototype. The SEPAP aims to provide a holistic methodology for energy performance assessment and certification of buildings, making use of the most advanced techniques in dynamic and automated simulation modelling, big data analysis and machine learning, inverse modelling or the estimation of potential energy savings and economic viability check. The assessment methods are also presented in the project’s Youtube channel, maintained by Sympraxis in the context of its support to the project communication.

Horizon 2020 re-MODULEES is an online platform aimed at professionals and consumers, supporting the selection of the appropriate combination of technical, business and financial solutions for renovation and energy upgrading, depending on the conditions and needs of each building. This is achieved by capitalising on tools and methods for the deep renovation of buildings, which have been developed in the context of previous European projects but have not yet been effectively integrated into the market. After almost two years of intensive pre-work by the partners, in collaboration with the 7 local pilot markets in respective European countries, the first test version of the re-Modulees platform is already operational. More functions are gradually added, and the necessary adjustments are made. The final, integrated version is expected to be delivered to the public in the last quarter.

Horizon 2020 project iBRoad2EPC has developed a tool that integrates the long-term renovation roadmap and new indicators into existing Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in the 6 pilot countries. The renovation roadmap consists of a series of renovation recommendations provided in a specific sequence and timeframe, including notes for the avoidance of lock-in effects. It includes future legal regulations and obligations resulting from European or national legislation, e.g., ban on fossil fuel boilers and national implementation of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) as foreseen in the current draft of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), etc. The compilation of the said renovation advice and interlinkages, in the form of country specific databases, is a major accomplishment of the iBRoad2EPC project. Combined with the addition of new indicators (indoor environment, smart readiness, etc.) into the established national EPC schemes, iBRoad2EPC is aligned with the policy discussions and targets and promotes deep energy renovation of the European building stock while supporting additional benefits to the building owners/tenants, such as comfort, access to finance, alleviating energy poverty, etc.

Horizon 2020 BuiltHub. Dynamic EU building stock knowledge hub. The EU H2020-funded BUILTHUB project will define a roadmap and vision for a durable data flow to document the EU building stock. It will develop an organised and inclusive data collection method and an easy-to-access-and-use datahub to ensure the long-lasting data flow through a benefits-based engagement strategy addressing data and metadata providers and simple users. The 4-year lasting project kicked-off on 7&8 October 2020 through a virtual meeting. Sympraxis Team is lead partner for developing the Platform business case for exploitation and sustainability.

Horizon 2020 PEDvolution. In the context of the Horizon Europe PEDvolution project, European pioneers in PED conceptualisation, implementation and tool development will co-develop and implement interoperable solutions to accommodate the constant evolution of PEDs. The solutions will evaluate and improve the PED’s ‘Readiness Level’ according to its social, technological, interoperability and market genes and their interaction within the PED and its environment. Real-life PEDs across Europe will provide a demonstration and validation environment for the solutions and tools, opening up pathways for replication, upscaling and mainstreaming.

Horizon 2020 LIFE ASTI. The LIFE ASTI project, with Sympraxis Team as a key partner, aims to lead to a substantial contribution to the overall aim of the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy by developing policies for a better adaptation to Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) impacts, especially during summer heat waves, by introducing heat prevention services and better implementation of energy efficiency guidelines in European cities. During the first half of its implementation period, a number of  reports have been published reflecting the expected results and a number of communication deliverables. Moreover, the new LIFE ASTI tool has been created, a mobile application which provides easy access to the information produced by the LIFE ASTI forecasting system for Rome, Thessaloniki and Heraklion, where an estimation of the thermal stress is provided for the different districts of the cities. Download the app at https://app.lifeasti.eu/.

Horizon 2020 iBRoad is a project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, aiming to become a real driver for deep renovation in Individual  Buildings. Implemented by a consortium of 11 distinguished state and private bodies from 9 countries, iBRoad represents an evolution of the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and energy audit systems, as it works on developing a so-called Individual Building Renovation Roadmap for single family houses. The Renovation Roadmap serves as a tool outlining a customised renovation plan with a long-term horizon for deep step-by-step renovation combined with a repository of building-related information. The iBRoad project will analyse and build upon relevant examples from Germany, France and Belgium (Flanders); project tools will be tested in Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal and Germany, supported by auditor training, and providing feedback as input to its feasibility.  Sympraxis Team, coordinating partner of the project, is also head of the project’s Communication activities.


A sincere word of recognition to the dedication and effort of M. Papaglastra and A. Deliyannis  at Sympraxis Team, who put this book together in record time while providing  a very appealing graphic quality that makes the book easy to read.   Eduardo Maldonado, Concerted Action EPBD Coordinator
A sincere word of recognition to the dedication and effort of M. Papaglastra and A. Deliyannis  at Sympraxis Team, who put this book together in record time while providing  a very appealing graphic quality that makes the book easy to read.   Eduardo Maldonado, Concerted Action EPBD Coordinator

Sympraxis Team coordinated with great success the 26th International Symposium for the Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles, hosting 700 scientists from 78 countries.   Dimitris Margaritoulis, Former President, International Sea Turtle Society  
Sympraxis Team coordinated with great success the 26th International Symposium for the Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles, hosting 700 scientists from 78 countries.   Dimitris Margaritoulis, Former President, International Sea Turtle Society  

Original thinking, innovative and alternative proposals, excellent collaboration, really high quality services, all members of the Team close by to meet all requirements:  our experience from the Sympraxis Team.   Katerina Perissi, Environmental manager OTE/COSMOTE, Deutshe Telekom Group    
Original thinking, innovative and alternative proposals, excellent collaboration, really high quality services, all members of the Team close by to meet all requirements:  our experience from the Sympraxis Team.   Katerina Perissi, Environmental manager OTE/COSMOTE, Deutshe Telekom Group    

The guys are not only great negotiators, they also make everything possible with a smile. They handled perfectly all the logistics and allowed us to concentrate on our work. They are very dedicated professional and I highly recommend their work.   Nathalie Cliquot, European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs  
The guys are not only great negotiators, they also make everything possible with a smile. They handled perfectly all the logistics and allowed us to concentrate on our work. They are very dedicated professional and I highly recommend their work.   Nathalie Cliquot, European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs