This question has been at the forefront of discussions during a series of events that took place in Brussels in the week of 21-24 May 2024. Specifically, Sympraxis has represented the iBRoad2EPC Horizon 2020 project in related discussions during:

  • CINEA’s Building Clustering meeting under the Buildings Rating Instruments group, along with sister projects CHRONICLE, crossCert, EPBD.wise, EPC RECAST, EUB SuperHub, iEPB, OneClickRENO, Smarter EPC, SmartLivingEPC, TIMEPAC and tunES
  • TunES event “Tuning EPC and SRI. Practices and methods to analyse national challenges”
  • The “Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates Conference – the EPBD recast edition”, co-organised by the projects iBRoad2EPC, EPC-RECAST, crossCert and EUBSuperHub.

The iBRoad2EPC consortium also held its final General Assembly meeting in Brussels adjacent to these events.