The city of Kranj, the urban centre of the traditional region of Upper Carniola in the Slovene Alps, hosted the 2nd PEDvolution General Assembly meeting on 14 and 15 November 2024. Special thanks go to project partner Elektro Gorenjska d.d. for their exceptional hospitality!

During the two-day hybrid event, partners reviewed progress in local community analysis, stakeholder engagement planning, and the Positive Energy District (PED) demo site requirements, while planning upcoming activities. Solution Providers demonstrated early concepts of the PEDvolution tools and their technical specifications, with afternoon sessions, focused on discussing PED monitoring and implementation strategies.

The event included a visit to Kranj’s Labore industrial zone, a distinct example of integrating industrial activities with renewable energy systems to foster sustainable energy solutions. The visit highlighted how PEDvolution solutions, such as the PED design and planning tool and the PED Energy Manager, can further support the district’s ongoing environmental goals and energy efficiency initiatives.

Sympraxis, as Communication & Dissemination leader for the PEDvolution project, presented progress on outreach, outlined a structured plan for upcoming activities, and conducted short interviews to gather valuable insights from local stakeholders.

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