
For the past 25 years,­­­­ Thanos has been exploring ways to promote a sustainable and caring world. Today, he is an accomplished project manager focused on social contribution and overall CSR projects, with significant experience in cause related marketing and CSR. Along with Alexander Deliyannis, he is a founding member of Sympraxis Team, an agency with 15 years of experience in operational planning, fundraising, project management and communication of environmental and social projects. Sympraxis Team has supported more than 250 initiatives, worth about 25,000,000€, funded by 100 businesses, 7 foundations, the European Commission and other institutions.

Thanos is particularly proud for his contributions to projects such as: the “school that you want” initiative, renovating schools, on behalf of Coca Cola 3Ε; the installation of a recycling programme for OTE COSMOTE (Deutche Telecom Group) used by 10,000 company employees; the “Some forests have their own aura” campaign, reforestating Greek mountains (the overall campaign results exceed 75,000 trees), supported by the AVRA spring water brand; the “” campaign for the United Nations Refugee Agency, the first initiative of its kind in Greece; the coordination of the 27th International Symposium of Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, for more than 700 participants from about 90 countries.
As a public speaker and trainer, Thanos has provided fundraising and empowerment services for some 2,500 people, in large groups, smaller classes of about 20, as well as on a one to one basis. He himself has the privilege of being trained by some of the great thinkers of the world, such as Tony Robbins, Al Gore, Noam Chomsky, Jay Conrad Levinson and Martin Lindstrom.

Thanos is comfortable with working in multinational projects. He has provided services for projects in the US, Belgium, Spain, the UK, Slovenia, Austria and Azerbaijan. Finally, as a volunteer, employee and board member, he has served national and international NGOs such as Amnesty International, GREENPEACE and his all-time favorite, ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society.